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8 Great immunity boosting foods

The recent escalation of the Corona Virus has meant that much of the world is stuck indoors self-isolating or locked down.

Our team are locked down inside, but we wanted to try and provide some help to others that are fearing the worst and stuck in their houses.

Therefore, we have put together a list of immunity boosting foods that will help you build your immune system and vitamin levels in a time where most of us need a pick-me-up.

Here is a quick list of fruits and vegetables that you can use in your smoothie bowls/smoothies/salads to help boost your immune system and maintain your vitamin levels:


  • Turmeric

Turmeric contains active ingredient curcumin, known for helping prevent heart disease and Alzheimers as well as reducing symptoms of depression and arthritis.

  • Green Tea

Green tea is claimed by some to be the most healthy drink on the planet. It is packed with nutrients and antioxidants that help lower the risk of cancer.

  • Ginger

Ginger may be especially helpful in fighting the Corona Virus as it is known for helping reduce symptoms associated with sore throats. If you have a sore throat or a dry cough, try to drink Ginger tea or sprinkle grated Ginger over your smoothie bowl.

  • Spinach

Spinach is a known superfood and jam-packed full of vitamin C as well as lots of other nutrients. Spinach is healthiest when left uncooked, so for best results, mix in a handful of spinach with your morning smoothie.

  • Citrus Fruits

All citrus fruits are packed full of vitamin C. Great for fighting colds and boosting immunity. Lemons and limes can be added to hot water or tea and oranges, tangerines and grapefruits can be squeezed into fresh juices.

  • Red Peppers

Red peppers contain much more vitamin C than citrus fruits and are fantastic for boosting your immune system. Peppers aren’t generally very good ingredients for smoothies, but they can be chopped up and put on a salad bowl!

  • Broccoli 

Broccoli is supercharged with vitamins and minerals that boost your immune system and reduce your chances of having a heart attack. Broccoli is another vegetable that is best left uncooked, but if you can’t stomach uncooked broccoli then try steaming it!

  • Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a fantastic immune boosting food, especially yoghurts that contain more viatmin D. Check your local supermarket for which brand has the most vitamin D which specifically helps fight diseases. Try to find unflavoured yoghurt and use honey or fruit to improve the taste. 

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