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Are safety razors unisex? Interviews with women!

Can women use safety razors?

As a producer of unisex safety razors we get approached by lots of men and women that are nervous, but curious about switching to a more sustainable method of shaving. Switching to a safety razor could save you a lot of money on blades and help preserve the environment, so where are the nerves coming from?

We’ve all been led to believe by Gillette, Wilkinson and other razor blade manufacturers that more blades equates to a better, smoother shave. But does it really?

Isn’t it generally accepted that a cut throat razor provides the closest shave?

And anyone reading this article must’ve felt the frustration of clogging up a brand new Gillette 4-blade razor after only a few uses, subsequently needing to toss it away, wasting money and damaging the environment in the process. Not entirely a “smooth” shaving experience in my opinion.

That being said, how do we know that using an eco-friendly safety razor is any better? How do safety razors work? And which safety razor should I buy? 

We interviewed Jo-Ann, a recently converted female safety razor user and owner of zero waste store “Like Nana Did” to ask her a few questions about her experiences with sustainable shaving. She gave us a great overview of using a women's safety razor!

Interview with Jo-Ann

Question: How long have you been using a safety razor and what did you use previously?

Answer: Only couple of weeks! I was using gillette venus before that.

Question: What made you want to switch to a safety razor in the first place?

Answer: Environmental issues. Trying to go plastic free.

Question: Were you nervous or anxious about anything?

Answer: Yes - I was worried I would cut myself as they are so sharp! I knew there would be a different technique and I'd have to be careful. Or that I'd find it too difficult and it would be a wasted expense. That's why I waited until my husband had tried one first!

Question: Do you use shaving foam, if so which brand would you recommend?

Answer: No. I use shower gel with a cotton body puff to get it nice and lathery.

Question: Is using a safety razor cheaper?

Answer: Definitely! One razor which lasts a lifetime costs roughly the same as a razor and a set of blades, and often I would end up buying a new razor every time as it is cheaper than replacing the blades. So I could easily spend £20 every 2 months. Using the safety razor was an initial outlay of around £20 plus a £1.50 or so for 5 blades. For me, that will last at least 3 months, and even then I will only have to fork out another £1.50 for the blades!

Question: What would you say to any women out there that are thinking about making the switch to safety razors, but are a bit worried about cutting themselves?

Answer: Do it. It's honestly not much different from using a plastic razor. I haven't cut myself once! Just remember the 45 degree rule (i.e. hold the razor at 45 degrees to your skin) and take it slowly. The first time I shaved my legs with my safety razor I sat down in the shower to do it! Now I just do it as I always have, but maybe a little more carefully and slower. You get a very close shave, way better than with a plastic or disposable razor. I definitely won't be going back.

Interview with Savannah

After commenting our this blog, we tracked Savannah down and asked if she would participate in our article. She uses a dark wood - thin handle bamboo razor.


Question: How long have you been using a safety razor and what did you use previously?

Answer: A year and I used disposables 

Question:Were you nervous about making the switch?

Answer:Honestly? Yes, safety razors look terrifying!

Question:Why did you make the switch?

Answer: I started using a safety razor because I was sick of overpaying for single-use items that go into the ocean and damage the Earth. I also found out about “the pink tax”.

Question: Has using a safety razor saved you money?

Answer: Absolutely. I used to just use my mum’s razor or if I had to I would buy the cheapest razors… but I could only use them a few times before they ran out. Someone actually gifted me a safety razor and it’s a one and done thing… buy it once and you’re done.

Question: What about "sensitive" areas? Can you use a safety there?

Answer: It is more difficult to shave “sensitive” regions, but just go very slow and be very careful, same as you would with a normal razor. I just lather up more using an organic soap bar.

Question: What would you say to a girl who is considering switching to a safety razor?

Answer: It looks a lot scarier than it is. It’s super easy to use. Just go slow, be careful on the ankle and shin bone + you’re going to save so much money and save the lives of lots of fish! It’s a win win win win.

 You literally never have to buy another razor again! Imagine that!

Are safety razors good for women?

After speaking with Jo-Ann we are more convinced than ever that everybody, man or woman should be altering their habits and switching to a more sustainable, plastic-free method of shaving.

To further improve the shaving experience, Jungle Culture has released a sustainable range of zero waste shaving soaps, all handmade in Vietnam using ethically-sourced organic ingredients.

If you are thinking about making the switch, check out our range of eco razors and read some other reviews or better yet, visit Jo-Ann at her store “Like NaNa Did” in Otley (11 Market Street).

Jungle Culture


1 Response

Savannah Smith

Savannah Smith

July 14, 2020

It sucks that safety razors are mainly marketed to Men! I am really glad that someone is selling safety razors for women and focusing on helping girls quit single-use plastic razors!

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