At Jungle Culture we have a unique view on product sourcing. We have created an ethical supply chain, powered by small farms, craft workshops and transparent factories. Part of our philosophy as an ethical business is to empower and support developing communities by working together to create environmentally friendly, unique plastic-alternatives. Our range of eco-friendly products are all responsibly sourced, in person, by us, so that you, the consumer does not have to bear the burden of responsibility when you shop with Jungle Culture.

Developing a sustainable supply chain isn’t easy. Our team have spent years searching for high-quality Earth-friendly products, produced by people whose values are aligned to ours. Allow us to introduce you to some of the people that made Jungle Culture possible.

Discover the cultural story behind our reusable bamboo straw sets.

Visit our workshops in rural Vietnam where we craft our reusable utensils.

Learn how your bowls help tackle poverty in southern Vietnam.

Are zero waste shops expensive or cheaper?

Are Zero Waste Shops Expensive Or Cheaper?

Starting a zero waste lifestyle can be daunting. A lot of our customers ask us how to start being zero waste and what are the first steps to living a low-impact lifestyle?

There’s also the matter of cost. Some low-impact products are expensive! Especially when compared to their plastic alternatives. Although some plastic-free products can be considerably cheaper, check out our cost analysis of safety razors for one example!

So we tackle the question of just how expensive is it to live zerowaste or close to it! And as a nice little bonus we also include a few great tips to help aspiring eco citizens achieve their goals!

Is buying zero waste products expensive?

Part of our philosophy at Jungle Culture is to make plastic-free items accessible, which means we don’t add unnecessary cost to products that can help save the world. If we feel that a product isn’t accessible to the average person, then we make a cheaper version so that everybody can enjoy it!

Even still… being eco does still come with added cost.

So how can you be an eco-friendly citizen, respect the Earth, be sustainable and do it all without emptying your bank balance? 

Buy wisely and buy with a long-term mindset.

Sticking to brands with a reputation for quality and long lasting products means that your water bottle, reusable straw set or safety razor will serve it’s purpose long into the future.

The key to being sustainable is not shopping a lot. We as a society need to think more carefully about where we spend our money. We need to place more value in our purchases and love the things that we buy.

Be zero waste, but save money doing it!

Low-impact products can be expensive. But many of them last a long time, so you gain value for money over a longer period.

But food can be cheaper! Try taking some small containers to a zero waste store and filling up on the things that you use regularly.

Without the excess packaging the goods normally cost less than their supermarket alternatives and you won’t be impacting our environment.

Plastic-free tips..

The bottom line is that even if you feel like you can’t afford to cut down on plastic. You can always make small changes that impact the world in a big way.

Start small and with incremental improvement. Buy a single stainless steel straw, or a reusable coffee cup. Build a habit of using them and over time switch everything over.

Here are some quick tips to help you get started:

- Look for zero waste items that are reusable! Reusable and long-lasting products will help you lower your waste and stop shopping for longer! There are lots of eco-friendly, single-use alternatives out there, but try your best to avoid these in favour of sustainable, lasting alternatives.

- Make it enjoyable! Find products that you love and cherish. If you prefer using the zero waste alternative then you are much more likely to stick to using it.

Here are some easy zero waste swaps that can help to put you on the path to success:

Are zero waste toiletries cheaper?

The bathroom is a major source of waste, from plastic toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss to deodorant, shower gel and shampoo.

But there are some easy wins that you can make in a matter of days that will reduce a lot of the waste in your bathroom.

But first, let’s compare and see if having a plastic-free bathroom is more expensive than sticking to your tried and trusted plastic toiletries!

Are zero waste products cheaper

Our analysis using to check prices showed that 2 out of 3 times, natural products were slightly more expensive, but only slightly. Considering that natural products tend to feel more luxurious and reduce waste, we are chalking this up as a win for organic goodies!

What’s more, safety razors were clearly cheaper! After investing an initial £16.99, using a safety razor would “shave” off 9/10th’s of the cost of hair removal!

Are zero waste kitchen products cheaper?

Next, let’s take a look into the epicentre of household waste, the kitchen!

Now, our kitchens produce all kinds of nasty plastics… From unnecessary food packaging to bin liners to water filters, the kitchen really is jam packed full of waste.

But is it cheaper to switch to zero waste? Let’s find out…

Are organic products cheaper

We randomly picked 3 big contributors of kitchen based waste and compared prices on amazon to see if it was possible to become zero waste and save money.

We were shocked by the results! Who is still buying non-eco-friendly bin liners anyway?!

For these 3 items, it is clearly cheaper to switch to plastic-free alternatives, and while many zero waste swaps in the kitchen might be difficult, these 3 definitely aren’t… Especially when you can buy reusable straws with a 10% discount using the code “BLOG”.

Is it cheaper to be zero waste outside of the house?

For our final price comparison we looked at on-the-go items to see if environmentally friendly products were cheaper. 

Let's delve in!

can zero waste be cheaper

On this occasion it’s clear that plastic-free products may be a little bit more expensive. But trash from takeaways, plastic bottles and cutlery make up a huge proportion of waste in our oceans, so is it worth a little bit of extra cost?

That’s a decision that we all need to make on our own, but one thing we have learned over the course of writing this article is that ditching plastic doesn’t mean spending too much more!

If you have any money-saving tips of your own, post them in the comments and help others save money, whilst saving the planet!

Don’t forget to use the code “BLOG” for 10% off purchases sitewide!

And if you own a zero waste business and would like to stock our products or are interested in customised eco-friendly products, get in touch today!

2 Responses

Jessica Pover

Jessica Pover

July 13, 2020

Do you have any recommendations for cheap zero waste stores online? To buy plastic free daily essentials…

Reece Iveson

Reece Iveson

July 13, 2020

Good read and some good tips on how to make affordable zero waste swaps. Some of the plastic-free items are more expensive, but I think what you said is true, that it is worth paying the premium sometimes to save the planet!

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